HVAC Services

With a combined experience of over 30 years working throughout Australia, RDZ Electrical - alongside business partner Z Air Conditioning - are your first point of call for all your HVAC needs.

To arrange a service at your commercial premises, or discuss your individual requirements, contact our experienced, friendly team today.

What We Do

RDZ Electrical and Z Air Conditioning offers professional HVAC and commercial air conditioning services throughout Queensland and Australia. Our qualified refrigeration mechanics provide commercial installation, service and repairs to a wide range of commercial customers throughout southern Queensland.

We Specialise in:

Package UnitsDucted Split SystemWall-hung Split SystemsChillersCentral PlantHeater Banks
Condenser Pumps and MotorsChiller Water Pumps and MotorsBuilding Management Systems (BMS)Room Air Conditioners (RAC)Cooling Towers
Industrial ChillersCar Park VentilationVariable Speed Drives (VSD)Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Systems Variable Refrigerant Volume (VRV) Systems

If the service you require is not listed above, don’t hesitate to get in contact with us to discuss your specific requirements.

Our Projects & Testimonials

Don’t just take our word for it. View our projects page and read our testimonials from customers to get an idea of our capabilities.

Why Choose RDZ Electrical

 RDZ Electrical and  Z Air Conditioning’s commercial HVAC refrigeration mechanics  specialise in managing HVAC systems to ensure acceptable indoor air quality and thermal comfort of clients while also considering installation, operation and ongoing maintenance costs.


Electrical Contractor Licence: 87679